Monday, May 22, 2006

Speaking of the Saudis and School children

These two men got on a school bus filled with students and began speaking Arabic. Under questioning they gave different answers as to why they did it...

Let the lame excuses begin. No doubt we'll hear more calls for more education in Arabic and how our society has brought this mix-up upon itself. Months from now on page 14 we might find out that they were really conducting reconnaissance work for possible terror attack sites...which we brought on ourselves as well.


At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these men wanted to blow up the bus of kids they didn't need recon.

At 7:40 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Obviously we don't even need to know that there was no need for two men to get on the school bus, even if they spoke French or Japanese or just English. Unless they had a child on that bus, they had no right to be there. As to what they were trying to do or prove, remember that before 9/11 the thought of a plane flying into a building in Manhatten was unthinkable. The point is to protect ourselves better at every opportunity. And quit letting the whiners tell us that "we brought it on ourselves" - because that is just idiocy.


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